How to Get Your St. Jude “This Shirt Saves Lives” T-Shirt
St. Jude has really outdone themselves with their Partner in Hope t-shirt!
If you want the shirt that the stars have, all you have to do is become a Partner In Hope during the WBLK St. Jude Radiothon! Simply pledge $20 per month for 12 months on a credit card and the shirt is yours. If you're already a Partner In Hope and you want the shirt, simply call us during the event, renew your pledge and we will make sure you get one.
Become a Partner in Hope today by calling 1-800-411-9898. Our phone lines will be open from 10AM on Thursday, March 1st to 5PM on Friday, March 2nd. You can also text KIDS to 626262 and follow the link provided to our donation page. By becoming a Partner in Hope you get a free t-shirt--be sure to use the hashtag #ThisShirtSavesLives and spread the word on social media!
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