Essential Items You SHOULD Have in Your Junk Drawer
We all have that one drawer in our home that is known as the junk drawer. It usually contains a random assortment of goodies, but here are some essential items that should be in your junk drawer.
Ah, the junk drawer. You'll organize it time and time again, but it always ends up looking the same way. Random things have been thrown in there, maybe some old mail, tickets from the theme park from your last vacation, old batteries, you name it, it's probably in there somewhere.
Has your junk drawer ever gotten so full it starts to spill over into the cabinets? Me neither, I was just testing you. I mean who does that?... Anywho, regardless of how full your junk drawer is, there some items you should keep in there, mostly because they are things that you usually end up needing frequently around the house.