Erasing Stereotypes – Meet the 1st Pit Bull K9 Officer In NY State
I'm a dog lover and there is no getting around that. I also hate the perception that pit bulls are an aggressive bread and dangerous. I've had pit bulls most of my life and I currently have a 6-month American bully and she is a big loveable baby.
Here's TookieBoutMoney lol
So when I hear people put the negative stereotypes out that Pitbulls are mean and angry and not safe pets to have around the family or kids I really get upset. I also love to find those stories about how great life partners they are.
Which brings me to this post, I found a clip online yesterday about the first pitbull k9 officer in new york state. Check out the clip below and get a small glance at how amazing these animals are.
New York State's First Pit Bull K9 Officer