Remember This Old Hot Dog Place In Cheektowaga?
One of my favorite past-times is going through Google and looking up old stores and restaurants in Western New York.
Some of the places you might not even remember until someone mentions the name or describes the place in detail, then you go "ohhhhh." I have a lot of those and I'm sure you do as well.
If you grew up in Cheektowaga or if you drove down Harlem Road in Cheektowaga, then you might remember an old hot dog place that used to be the stomping grounds for many, especially if they went to Maryvale High School.
It was called Ja Fa Fa Hots and it pleased many Buffalonians for over 60 years. The spot sold hot dogs, fries, drinks and so much more.
If you remember, Ja Fa Fa Hots was a spot where many cars could come and enjoy a drive-in type of atmosphere -- which was especially awesome in the summer.
Unfortunately, because of new construction on Harlem Road in the mid-2000s, owner Michael Zylka and his wife Mary Ann decided to close because the Department of Transportation was taking 35 percent of the property for road work and would eliminate what made Ja Fa Fa Hots so special.

It officially closed near the end of 2006 and had one last hoorah for its loyal customers where they actually sold out of hot dogs at one point, according to The Buffalo News.
"I had to run up to Jubilee and buy hot dogs," owner Michael Zylka said.
The Ja Fa Fa Hots site is now a Just Pizza location, but the memories of that hot dog stand will live with many Buffalonians forever.
I used to drive by there all the time when I was on my way home from school and we had to pick another student up from Maryvale. I wish I had more of a chance to enjoy it as a teenager before Ja Fa Fa Hots closed for good.
Can't take away memories though.
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