CDC Releases Shocking COVID Vaccine Numbers For New York
The CDC investigated the effectiveness of COVID vaccines. The results make shock some New Yorkers.
According to the CDC, 99.999 percent of people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in the United States have not had a breakthrough COVID case that resulted in death or hospitalization.
The CDC says as of July 26, more than 163 million people in the United States had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Of those 163 million, 6,239 breakthrough hospitalizations were reported and 1,263 fully vaccinated people died from COVID.
"Like with other vaccines, vaccine breakthrough cases will occur, even though the vaccines are working as expected. Asymptomatic infections among vaccinated people will also occur," the CDC stated.
The numbers provided by the CDC show 0.004 percent of fully vaccinated Americans end up in the hospital with COVID while 0.001 of fully vaccinated Americans die from COVID, CNN reports.
The CDC defines a breakthrough case as someone who gets COVID two weeks after being fully vaccinated. There is some evidence that vaccination may make the illness less severe for those who are vaccinated and still get sick.
The CDC recommends that everyone 12 years of age and older get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as they can.
On Monday New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told New Yorkers if you are vaccinated you are less likely to catch COVID and very unlikely to be hospitalized.
According to Cuomo among fully vaccinated New Yorkers, 4 out of 100,000 were infected with COVID during the week of July 19. 17 out of 100,000 unvaccinated New Yorkers were infected with COVID during the same week.