12 Car Brands That May Be Difficult To Insure In New York State
Are you looking to buy a new or new-to-you car in the near future? New York State warns car consumers that these 12 cars may be difficult to get insurance on. Forget the fact that there is a car shortage, so options are definitely limited, you may still want to avoid any of the models below. More than likely you're going to pay inflated prices due to the shortage, so adding in the trouble of getting your car insured is an extra headache. Many insurance companies are not willing to provide insurance on these particular models according to the New York Department of Financial Services,
The following table lists vehicles which a number of insurers have indicated their unwillingness to insure voluntarily, or their willingness to insure only under certain strict conditions or for certain types of operators. This difficult-to-insure list does not apply to all insurers for every vehicle shown, but generally encompasses data provided by many of the leading writers of private passenger auto insurance in New York State. For each vehicle shown, there are a significant number of insurers that do not wish to write the particular vehicle, due to unfavorable loss experience, high cost or limited availability of replacement parts, or high theft records.
Even if you can secure insurance on the vehicles listed below, you might end up paying higher premiums and experiencing more of a hassle. If you have any issues you would like to report, you can always file a complaint with the New York Department of Financial Services here.
12 Car Brands That May Be Difficult To Insure In New York

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