I had a thought.

If ...well actually..WHEN...a person who has the Ebola Virus relieves him or herself; does the Sewage System have efficient materials to kill the virus?  If the answer is NO, it may be the answer as to why and how the virus is spreading so RAIDLY!!!!

I found an article which has a pretty scary title (A Frightening Curve: How Fast Is The Ebola Outbreak Growing?regarding how RAPIDLY the virus HAS GROWN and COULD GROW, if something isn't figured out.  (CLICK THE LINK BELOW...But come back when your finished...THERE'S MORE!!!!!)

Ok...so that's "FRIGHTENING"... RIGHT???!!!!

WELL HERE'S MORE!!!!!...BACK TO THE ORIGINAL SCENARIO & QUESTION: If ...well actually..WHEN...a person who has the Ebola Virus relieves him or herself; does the Sewage System have efficient materials to kill the virus?   Here's an article I found that attempts to answer that question (CLICK THE LINK BELOW)

Hmmm... now that's not very comforting is it?

Lastly, here's a look at WHAT HAPPENS AFTER WE FLUSH (this may have some unspoken clues as to the answer to our Original question... or maybe not) :(  (WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW)


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