Buffalo & Rochester Make The List for ‘2018’s MOST SINFUL CITIES IN AMERICA’
Las Vegas lived up to it's name, 'Sin City', taking the lead as #1 in a Wallethub Report identifying '2018's Most Sinful Cities in America'. The list is comprised of 182 Cities, and Buffalo & Rochester made the list as City #109 and City #114 respectively.
The list is based upon a number of Sins, namely, Greed, Lust, Vanity, Laziness, Anger, Hatred, Jealousy, & Excesses and Vices.
Here's the Ranking Breakdown for Buffalo & Rochester in each Category:
(ranking the #1 City - #182nd City)
Anger & Hatred (based upon The Most Violent Crimes Per Capita)
- Buffalo - #81
- Rochester - #63
Jealousy (based upon Most Thefts Per Capita)
- Buffalo - #128
- Rochester - #129
Excesses & Vices (based Upon The Most Excessive Drinking)
- Buffalo - #85
- Rochester - #80
Greed (Based upon the Least Amount of Charitable Donation)
- Buffalo - #103
- Rochester - #132
Lust (based upon The Most Adult Entertainment Establishments Per Capita)
- Buffalo - #151
- Rochester - #153
Vanity (based upon The Most Tanning Salons Per Capita)
- Buffalo - #110
- Rochester - #55
Laziness (based upon the Highest Percentage of Adults Who DO NOT Exercise)
- Buffalo - #34
- Rochester - #103
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