Looking for housing information in the City of Buffalo?
Want to know how to enroll kids into Buffalo Public Schools?

Well now all that and more information can be found in the new Good Neighbor app!
The new app, which is published in multiple languages, is free and provides access to facts and details about services provided by Buffalo, Erie County, New York State and local nonprofit organizations.

developed by buffalo natives, Clark Dever and Jordan Walbesser who won the $5,000 grand prize on Tuesday in the city's first annual Civic Innovation Challenge for their Good Neighbors app.

The idea for the Good Neighbor app came from the Open Data Buffalo portal, which can be accessed through the city’s website. The information on the Good Neighbors app will be updated daily as the city updates the Open Data Buffalo portal.

The Good Neighbors app will be available on the android app store in a couple of weeks, Dever said.

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