That vicious blow Afroman gave a woman earlier this week at a concert in Biloxi, Miss. might cost him some big bucks.

The victim, a 21-year-old named Haley, has just hired a lawyer and will likely file a civil suit, TMZ reports. She claims her jaw, neck and back were injured as a result of the punch, which is why she's seeking reimbursement for medical expenses.

Her attorney, Tim Holleman, believes the venue, Kress Live, should be held accountable as well since security did nothing to stop the situation and din't remove Haley when she wandered onstage. He also alleges the "Because I Got High" rapper has a history of violence with fans.

Afroman delivered an apology during an interview with TMZ. "I want to apologize for my actions," the 40-year-old said. "I'm enrolling in some anxiety foundation right now. I'm trying to get it done. I love my fans. I go early these days to meet and greet them. Hangout with them. It was an early show. I usually play at night. I had my dinner, I medicate and I get right. It was Mardi Gras. I had to walk like a half a mile to get to the place."

He also explained that a male fan was yelling obscenities at him during the performance and thought that same man was the person he hit onstage.

As a result of the violent attack, Afroman was charged with misdemeanor assault.

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