After plenty speculation it seems that Khloe Kardashian may not be a Kardashian afterall! In a shocking twist, shamed football player OJ Simpson believes he is the father of Khloe, when he admits to having an affair with her mother Kris Jenner. He even went as far as to add Khloe to his will! I’m sure more skeletons will come tumbling out of the Kardashians closet as this story unfolds.

Check out the photo below, do you think that Khloe Kardashian shares any resemblence with OJ Simpson?


Lauryn Hill’s ex hubby Rohan Marley has finally cleared the air as to why he left a pregnant Lauryn by the wayside. Apparently he did what probably most men would do after finding out their wife is pregnant BY ANOTHER MAN! Fellas, would you too leave your pregnant famous wife if you found out she was pregnant by another man?

The Hip Hop worlds most prestigious power couple Jay-Z and Beyonce has made it very clear as to who they are voting for when they announced that they will be hosting a fundraiser for our President Barack Obama at the 40/40 club. Only about 100 people will be in attendance at a whopping $40,000 ticket price! I want to know how do you feel about Music mixing with Politics?

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