You Could See 4 Major Meteor Showers In WNY This Spring and Summer
When I was a kid, my dad and I would take a telescope and look up into the stars. My dad has always been interested in astronomy and now, I have a passion for it. One of my favorite things to do each year is catch a meteor shower and we will soon kick off a busy time of the year for it.
There will be four major meteor showers you could see this spring and summer, according to Earth Sky.
The first will be the Lyrid meteor shower. Known as April's shooting stars, this meteor shower technically lasts from April 16th to 25th. This year, experts are predicting the peak will be the morning of April 22nd, after the moon sets and before the sun comes up on the horizon.
This shower can produce 10-15 meteors an hour during its peak, but unpredictable surges can cause upwards of 100 per hour.
The second is the the Eta Aquarids meteor shower. This shower is predicted to peak the morning of May 5th, around 4 a.m. (before dawn). This meteor shower is from Halley's Comet debris field.
This meteor shower usually favors the southern hemisphere. The northern hemisphere can still see this shower, but more meteors per hour will happen in the Southern Hemisphere.
The next is called the Delta Aquariid meteor shower. The peak for this shower is expected to be July 27th to 30th.
This meteor shower lacks a definitive peak, but like many it's best to look the 2-3 hours before daybreak.
The fourth is called the Perseid meteor shower and this is the one that most favors the Northern Hemisphere. These meteors come from a point in the constellation Perseus the Hero.
The predicted peak should be August 11th and 12th, from late night to early morning. These meteors are all over the sky and leave a bright train behind them!
Sure, you'll have to sacrifice some sleep to see these, but trust me when I say it's worth it. Watching shooting stars is a great way to create memories with loved ones. I remember watching some at my future in-laws in the country and it was unforgettable.