Yasmin Young Salutes Fonda Tubbins as WNY’s Hardest Working Woman
Every Wednesday Yasmin Young of the 2 To 6 Takeover and The People's Station will select WNY's Hardest Working Woman to feature here on WBLK.com and receive a prize! Meet our current winner, Fonda Tubbins!
Click the pic below to submit yourself!!
Meet September 6th's Winner, Fonda Tubbins!
Fonda is a hard-working woman, who works 7 days a week. She also makes time to volunteer 3 days weekly at her son's school. Last year she even received a volunteer of the year award by Byron Brown! Fonda says, "I care about my children's education and I always push and try to get other parents to come and volunteer." And that's why we salute you Fonda!
Meet August 29th's Winner, Zahara Samadi!
Zahara Samadi is the mom of 2 boys ages 3 & 12. She is also working on opening her own dispatching/roadside/towing company! Zahara says, "life has its obstacles but I remain humble and strong throughout it all,there is no limit to success! The top is the only way I can go from here." Keep pushin' Zahara!!
Meet August 23rd's Winner, Shantel Shannon!
Shantel is a 27-year-old independent woman, who is mom to a 4-year-old daughter. She is working and going to school at UB full-time. As a cervical cancer and domestic abuse survivor, she hopes to inspire other women! She says, "I push myself though because I know I can do it and God is guiding me. I want to be a counselor and a role model to people to let them know you can do it. God is not good God is great. My daughter is my biggest motivation to keep pushing. I salute all hard working mother's and women in general." Today, we salute YOU Shantel!
Meet August 17th's Winner, Kadejha Bryant
Kadejha is the mother of two, an 8-year-old daughter and a 2-year-old. She works full-time at the Niagara Falls casino in housekeeping. Kadejha says, "I have two lil ones that depend on me as a mother role model it's hard getting up every morning getting two kids ready for daycare and school with no help, struggling day by day, trying get by, but I never give up! I wanan shout out all the single young parents out there that never give up and follow yet dreams!" We salute you Kadejha!!
Meet August 10th's Winner, Ciara Johnson
Ciara is the mother to a beautiful 9-year-old girl named Kai. She works as a full-time RN. Ciara says she is WNY's Hardest Working Woman because "I am currently in graduate earning my Masters degree which will be completed this December! Also, I am the Church clerk at my church as well!" Congrats Ciara, we see you!
Meet August 3rd's Winner, Laquita Dawkins
Laquita is a full-time nurse and is also back in school! She is mother to a 6-year-old boy, who she had when she was 18. She says, "with everyone doubting me and predicting what my life would be like, I was determined to prove them wrong and to provide the best for my baby boy. I went to school for nursing part time while working a full time job and raising my son. I also work hard to show him the importance of education and that no matter what people say you determine your future." You go girl! You can show em better than you can tell em!
Facebook: Laquita.dawkinsRN
Snapchat: Sweetsassyclass
IG: Beautiful_nurse23Meet July 27th's Winner, Shatequa Warren
Shatequa, who started working at the age of 14, currently works at Wal-mart, where she was recently promoted to supervisor! She is also the mother of two beautiful children. She says "I've been through things people couldn't even tell by looking at me; domestic violence and many other things. But I made it out, pushed through & am no longer a victim but a survivor. I'd be nowhere had I not been such a hard, dedicated worker, but I made it. Thank God!" You deserve this recognition Shatequa!
Meet July 20th's Winner, Daniell Wood!
The person who nominated Daniell says, "She's raised two exceptional children, son & daughter, both of whom have attended college. She has an eldest son, a graduate of college and one daughter currently enrolled in their first year. Daniell's hard work extends beyond the daily 8-5 work schedule by ensuring every household need is met for her nuclear family as well as extended members and friends. While working in the healthy care industry, Daniell continuously motivates others to give their best and live their best. She's a wife of twenty-years to Min. Wood. A hard-working woman, she is, indeed." And that's why today, Yasmin Young salutes you Daniell!
Meet July 13th's Winner, Simone Solomon!
Simone Solomon is a financial advisor, who is spreading financial literacy to inner communities through her job at Mutual of Omaha. She is also the mother of an energetic 2 year old daughter!
Facebook: Simone Nicole
Instagram: AndrisW0rld
FB business: Simone Solomon, Insurance Advisor at Mutual of Omaha
LinkedIn: Simone SolomonMeet July 6th's Winner, Jalia Waller!
Jalia Waller is a junior at Daemen College and a mother of two little girls, ages 4-years-old and 5-months-old). Even though she has all that on her plate, plus a job where she works 40 hours, she is also an aspiring model. Jalia says, "With getting out of work after 6 everyday and going in at or before 9 am. Running my kids to school and sitters, dance class and church while keeping my house clean, my school work, my kids fed and clean I am one hardworking momma!" And that's why we salute you!
facebook: Jalia Jana
Instagram: Panamanian_PrincessaMeet June 29th's Winner, Bianca K. Holifield
Yasmin Young salutes Bianca! Over the last year, she has worked her butt off, literally, losing over 90 pounds! She works full time at Geico and owns a business called BeeFitKitchen, where she preps healthy meals for people who don't have the time or skill to do it on their own! Biance says, "I work 7 days a week with little time ever for myself and I still go to the gym 4 days a week. On top of all of that I manage to take care of my mother in a nursing home any way I can. The grind doesn't stop. And I don't complain Because God built me FORD TOUGH!!!"
Meet June 22nd's Winner, Kissena Frazier
Kissena Frazier works full-time in foster care and part-time with parenting teens in foster care. She works 60-hours a week, while raising her 12-year-old daughter, who is a high honors student. Kissena is a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. She says, "This fall I will be starting graduate studies to obtain my Masters in Social Work. This will add even more to my already full plate but education is important and I have a heart for helping children and families. I will continue to work hard with the end result of making someone else's life better!" We salute your hard work!
Instagram - @Ailuv2sing
Twitter - @Ailuv2sing
Facebook - Kissena SweetZeta FrazierMeet June 15th's Winner, Tunisia Price!
Tunisia is a single mother of two, who graduated from Buffalo State College 3 years ago! She currently works for the County. She says, "I never let my adversities prevent me from achieving my goals. I want to show my children that hard work and God will always open up doors and blessings!" We salute your hard work Tunisia!
Meet June 8th's Winner, Bianca Morales
At 22-years-old, Bianca is a supervisor at at her job, working with individuals with special needs. She also runs her own online bakery after working her day job. Bianca says, "I love working hard and staying busy and I believe it's only up from here." Congrats Bianca, keep up the good work!
IG Bee.to.theMeet June 1st's Winner, Onasia Stewart!
Hailing from Niagara Falls, Onasia has been on her own since the age of 17 and is raising her soon to be 2-year-old son! She plans on attending dental school to make a better life for her and her son! Onasia says, "I keep a job no matter what I've worked for everything that I have and I don't plan to stop until my son knows the true definition of a real women raising a young king!"
Facebook:Onasia stewartMeet May 18th's Winner, Alexis Christian!
Alexis works at Elderwood senior services, an assisted living facility, while also interning at a bridal boutique downtown. She's also graduating with a Bachelor's in science for fashion textiles and merchandising from Buffalo State college!! Alexis says, "I am a hard-worker because I Believe I have a purpose in life and if I don't use my talents to the best of my ability it would be a waste and the world would miss out on something that ONLY I was put on this earth to offer!"
Facebook: Alexis Christian
Instagram: hazylnut
Snapchat: hazylnutMeet May 11th's Winner, Sabrina Little!
Sabrina Little is this week's hardest working woman! She works full-time for the Department of Education and part-time for Bebe in the fashion outlets mall. She is also in school, studying Public Communication. Sabrina says, "I do all of this for my sons. I also do this for myself to prove I am more than just my small town surroundings and what people may think I am! I grind so me and my kids can LIVE and not just be ALIVE." Congrats Sabrina!
Connect With Sabrina:
Facebook (Kitty Lola)
Instagram (Kitty Lola)
Snapchat @kittykatpowwowMeet May 4th's Winner, Mirage Snow!
Mirage seriously has like 16 jobs! She is working two healthcare jobs. She is also a hairdresser, nail tech, paid artist, paid baker, and manager for the Buffalo R&B group 4 B-LO. Mirage was accepted as a member of The National Association of Professional Women. Mirage says, "I'm known as the deal sealer. My talents are not limited and I will do what it takes to get the job done." Mirage picked up a season pass (with parking) to Darien Lake Theme Park! Congrats!
Connect with Mirage:
Mirage Snow on Facebook
Instagram @justamirage10
Twitter @justamirage716
Snapchat @mirage716Meet April 27th's Winner, Charlise Davis!
Charlise Davis is a senior at Buffalo State College. The Health and Wellness major also works 3 jobs while attending school. Char says, "I feel like I'm WNY's Hard Working Woman because nobody works harder than me." Connect with her, IG: Charthestar_ Snapchat: Charthestar7 and Facebook: Char The'Star!
Meet April 20th's Winner, Ayana Naomi!
Ayana Naomi is a 24-year-old Daemen College Alumni, who participates in the theater arts! She is a model, writer, director and actor, who has performed at the Paul Robeson Theater, Daemen College, and Alemeda theater. Ayana is even working a short film she wrote called "What Love Ain't!" She also works at the African American Cultural Center as the Educational Directives director and as a sub for Buffalo public schools. Ayana says, "I'm thankful for everyone who's been supportive the best is yet to come! I'm dedicated to my dreams and I believe that diligence will pay off!" Keep up the excellence Ayana, we see you!
Meet April 13th's Winner, Stephanie Simmons!
I have to show some love Stephanie Simmons of Buffalo! She works, goes to school and most importantly, is a mother to 3 children!
Meet April 6th's Winner, Sylvia Clark!
Sylvia Clark aka Sylver, is not only beautiful, she's talented as well! Working as a published model, she has been in magazines, on BET and even on Buffalo Rising last year as the first model ever interviewed! She says "I work in any type of weather at any time of day anywhere. The work I consist of is around the clock. No days off. I want to be very successful and help those who had helped me." She also attends college and works part-time! We salute you Sylver! Connect with Sylvia: IG @sylver275 and Facebook Sylvia Clark!
Meet March 30th's Winner, Alexia Guzman!!
Alexia is an accomplished young woman, even though she's only 21-years-old! She is a senior at Hilbert College, in Hamburg, majoring in Digital Media and Communication with a minor in Marketing. At Hilbert, she is the VP of Programming for the Hilbert College Student Government Association and in the Leadership Scholarship program! She also works at Build-A-Bear Workshop and Bath & Body Works. Alexia says, "I'm proud to say I got a 4.0 last semester. Without my family, God, and my mentors, I would not be who I am today!" Connect with Alexia: Twitter - @alexiarguzman, Instagram - @alexiarguzman and Facebook - Alexia Rose Guzmán!
Meet March 23rd's Winner, Felicia Harris!!
Felicia has been on her own since she was 18, but that, along with her two daughters, motivates her to go harder! She says, "I get the job done for my two girls and because of them all the late nights and early mornings pay off!!" Connect with Felicia on social media, Fe Marie Harris on Facebook
@oohkillem_fe on Instagram and Twitter, and
Femeup on Snapchat! Congrats Felicia!Meet March 16th's Winner, Kimberly LaRussa!
Kimberly LaRussa, mom to a 14-month-old boy, is the editor and writer of a weekly newspaper called the West Seneca Sun, as well as a board member of the Amanda Hansen Foundation and a volunteer at SPCA of Niagara. Kimberly says, "I'm constantly looking for ways to better my community and tell the stories of WNY! Life is tough sometimes and there's not enough hours in the day, so to get a little pampering in would be absolutely amazing!" You can connect with on Twitter: @KimberlyLaRussa
Instagram: @KimberlyLaRussa!Meet March 9th's Winner, Monique DuRant!
Monque says, "I have worked diligently for the Buffalo Board of Education for 21 years. When I turned 48 I went back to school to get my A.S. in Human Services. I continued on and received my B.S. in Human Services, and I will be graduating with my M.S. in Human Services in June, 2016, at the age of 53. Working full-time, school full-time, helping to care for my 8 year old grandson, my elderly mother, and letting my brother move in after his stroke in December to take better care of him, and did I mention my average has been a 4.0 since my first class."
Meet March 2nd's Winner, Nellie Miller!
Nellie is WNY's Hardest Working Woman because she is constantly travelling between her job in Niagara Falls and the Rochester hospital where her son recently had his third open heart surgery! Please keep her and her son in your prayers!
Meet February 24th's Winner, Nicole Potrubacz!
Meet Nicole, a personal care aid. She is this week's winner! Nicole says, "I believe I am WNY's hard working woman of the week because I am a 24-year-old single mother who has fought through homelessness and no income to taking care of both of my children ages 4 and ten months old!" Both of Nicole's children had health issues, but she pushed through it! Congrats Nicole!
Meet February 16th's Winner, Charlene McClain!
Charlene says, "I am one of WNY hard working Women because I do what has to be done under any cause...Really I like working with people and children. That's where all my work goes... trying to make it right for everyone..Working Hard!"
Meet February 10th's Winner, Adreona Blackmon!
Adreona says, "I am WNYs hard working women of the week because I am 20-year-old who lives in Niagara Falls NY and I'm one hard working female! I've been on my own since 18 workings as a full time CNA working 100 hours or more bi-weekly. I start my LPN classes in June also. Have my own sh* lol, own car off lot and own apt! I have a man, but handles my business by myself. Yes, 20-years-old, doing good! My mother raised me well! Thank you mom!!!"
Facebook Adree ChonaeeCongratulations Adreona Blackmon! We salute you for being a young lady about her business!
Meet February 3rd's, Winner Charlette Little
Charlette says, “I am WNY’s Hard Working Woman because single-handedly, I’ve raised 3 young Black men and have not lost one of them to the streets. I’ve been on my own since 14, graduated high school with an infant son & went on to birth 3 more boys. One died at the age of 7 days & another was born developmentally disabled. I’ve survived domestic abuse, divorce, being homeless and not once have I skipped a beat taking care of my children. I have drove school bus for 20 years just so that I would have the flexibility to be there for my kids. I often had to take them on the bus with me because I didn’t have a sitter. Through all the tears and struggles, I wouldn’t change a day because it’s made me an incredible woman and I have raised 3 men that are educated, strong, honest, active members of society.”
Congratulations Charlette! We salute you for raising three great men while working your butt off to do it! Enjoy your Million Dollar Lashes and brow tint courtesy of Fracassi Lashes in the Walden Galleria Mall! Try to make some time to show them off somewhere nice!
Meet January 27th's Winner, Eboney Scott
Eboney says, “I am WNY’s Hardest Working Woman because I work 40-50 hours a week as a personal care aide and I am a parent of 6 kids (4 boys ages 16 yrs, 13 yrs, 6 yrs, 9 months and 2 girls ages 11 yrs and 2 yrs)! I have no days off and no sick days!!!!” Congratulations Eboney! We salute you for taking care of your business! Enjoy your Million Dollar Lashes and brow tint courtesy of Fracassi Lashes in the Walden Galleria Mall!
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