The Marvel Cinematic Universe gets its first animated series this summer when What If...? debuts on Disney+. Inspired by the long-running Marvel comic book of the same name, the show imagines alternate realities and storylines inspired by famous events in the history of the MCU. These imaginary tales are narrated and overseen by The Watcher, the same Marvel character who appeared in the What If...? comics. On the show, he’s voiced by Jeffrey Wright.

Marvel hasn’t revealed all the different stories that will appear on the show’s first season, but the new teaser includes a few. In one, Peggy Carter (voiced by Hayley Atwell) becomes a Super Soldier instead of Steve Rogers. In another T’Challa (voiced by the late Chadwick Boseman) becomes Star-Lord. Other characters who appear in the teaser include Chris Hemsworth’s Thor, Michael Rooker’s Yondu, Djimon Hounsou’s Korath, Tom Hiddleston’s Loki, Michael B. Jordan’s Killmonger, Paul Bettany’s Vision, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, Tony Stark (although seemingly not voiced by Robert Downey Jr.), Howard the Duck, and even a few Marvel Zombies. Check it out below:

There’s also a new poster for the show:

Marvel Studios

Here’s the series’ official synopsis:

Creating a multiverse of infinite possibilities, “What If… ?” features fan-favorite characters, including Peggy Carter, T’Challa, Doctor Strange, Killmonger, Thor and more. The new series, directed by Bryan Andrews with AC Bradley as head writer, features signature MCU action with a curious twist.

What If...? premieres on Disney+ on August 11.

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