Everyone In New York Should Of Gotten This MoneyEveryone In New York Should Of Gotten This MoneyIt is not often that you should be excited to get a bill in the mail, except when you are getting some money back. Dave FieldsDave Fields
Another NYSEG Rate Increase Is Coming To New YorkAnother NYSEG Rate Increase Is Coming To New YorkIf you are a NYSEG customer get ready for another rate increase coming in the next couple of weeks. Dave FieldsDave Fields
Heating Bills Will Increase This Month In New YorkHeating Bills Will Increase This Month In New YorkThe start of November means that some residents in New York will see a major increase in their heating bills.Dave FieldsDave Fields
Electric Bills May Soon Become Unbearable In New York StateElectric Bills May Soon Become Unbearable In New York StateHopefully you can beat the heat outside and save a little extra money on cooling costs?Clay ModenClay Moden