Lawsuit Underway To Stop Kensington Expressway Project In BuffaloLawsuit Underway To Stop Kensington Expressway Project In BuffaloThe suit seeks to force state officials to go back and do more research and testing before proceeding. Ed NiceEd Nice
Will The Kensington Expressway Project Increase Pollution?Will The Kensington Expressway Project Increase Pollution?Government officials say pollution levels will be fine, while opponents of the project fear it will worsen. Ed NiceEd Nice
What Should Buffalo Do With The Kensington Expressway?What Should Buffalo Do With The Kensington Expressway?There has been a lot debate surrounding the Kensington Expressway Project plan to cover a section of the highway and turn it into a tunnel, but a growing opposition wants to do something else. Ed NiceEd Nice
New York State Wants Your Input On Kensington Expressway ProjectNew York State Wants Your Input On Kensington Expressway ProjectHere's your chance to express how you feel about covering the Kensington Expressway and restoring Humbolt ParkwayEd NiceEd Nice
USDOT Sec. Buttigieg In Buffalo, Talks Kensington Tunnel ProjectUSDOT Sec. Buttigieg In Buffalo, Talks Kensington Tunnel ProjectMillions of State and Federal Money Is being allocated to make try and correct a historic wrongEd NiceEd Nice
Multi-million Dollar Federal Grant to Help With Route 33 TunnelMulti-million Dollar Federal Grant to Help With Route 33 TunnelThe project to bury part of the 33 expressway is intended to fix a historic wrong done in the city of BuffaloEd NiceEd Nice
Tops Announces Timeline For Reopening Jefferson Store In BuffaloTops Announces Timeline For Reopening Jefferson Store In BuffaloTops has announced its plan for reopening the store on Jefferson Avenue in Buffalo.Yasmin YoungYasmin Young
New Design Options for Buffalo's Scajaquada Expressway AvailableNew Design Options for Buffalo's Scajaquada Expressway AvailableResidents can see options towards another step in restoring Buffalo to part of it's past gloryEd NiceEd Nice
Kensington Expressway To Be Covered In BuffaloKensington Expressway To Be Covered In BuffaloThe massive construction project is expected to cost at least $1 billionEd NiceEd Nice
Ideas Are Mounting Up For The Kensington Expressway In BuffaloIdeas Are Mounting Up For The Kensington Expressway In BuffaloThere is still a push to get rid of the 33 in Buffalo.DJ HassanDJ Hassan