Corporal Punishment Allowed In New York Schools?Corporal Punishment Allowed In New York Schools?With school being back in session , exactly what can teachers do to discipline kids in the classroom?Ed NiceEd Nice
Are Teachers Legally Allowed To Spank Kids In NY Schools?Are Teachers Legally Allowed To Spank Kids In NY Schools?Can teachers and other employees use physical force to discipline kids in New York State schools?Yasmin YoungYasmin Young
Are Teachers Legally Allowed To Spank Kids In New York Schools?Are Teachers Legally Allowed To Spank Kids In New York Schools?Can teachers and other employees use physical force to discipline kids in New York State schools?Yasmin YoungYasmin Young
Spank, Whoop, or Time Out?Spank, Whoop, or Time Out?The age old Controversial Child Discipline Debate.... should you Spank your children, Whoop your children, or put them in Time Out? This Father's choice is obvious... WATCH THE VIDEO AND tell me what you believe in! Todd AndersonTodd Anderson