Sorority Adviser And Six Men At Fort Valley State University Indicted In Pimping Scandal
A scandal that has rocked the Fort Valley State University community has now prompted law enforcement officials to charge seven people, including two former college administrators, who were allegedly involved in the sex trafficking of sorority pledges.
Alecia Johnson, the graduate advisor to the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority chapter on campus and the former executive assistant to #FVSU’s president, is accused of being the leader of the prostitution ring from incidents in 2017 and this year. She allegedly set up sex dates for the six men that have been charged with various sex crimes, including pandering and solicitation of sodomy, according to the report.
Fort Valley State released a statement Friday:
“We have consistently and aggressively worked with the University System of Georgia and law enforcement to ensure that anyone who allegedly puts our students at risk is investigated thoroughly and expeditiously, and have advocated for the most appropriate standards to be applied. While we cannot comment on the details of an ongoing investigation, we expect anyone who has compromised the trust of our students to be held accountable with all deliberate speed.”