Kevin Gates Reposts Live Birth, Fans Share Memes in Shock
Over the weekend, Kevin Gates decided to repost a snippet from a live birth video on his Instagram account leaving fans in shock.
On Sunday (May 7), Kevin Gates hopped on his Instagram Story and reposted a brief clip from a live birth video from the Instagram account @indiebirths, which details the work of midwifery and shares videos of at-home births. The clip shows a mother delivering her baby at home right into the father's hands.
The childbirth video is not for the squeamish, but it is incredible to see. Gates captioned the clip, "The Most Beautiful thing on earth is the gift of Life [palms up together and heart hands emojis]."
While Gates is correct in his sentiments, it would have been helpful if the "I Don't Get Tired" rapper gave his followers a heads-up before posting the live birth clip.
Fans who saw Gates' IG Story went on Twitter and posted memes to express their shock at what they viewed on his page.
One person posted a meme of SpongeBob SquarePants having an uncontrollably fit with the caption, "Me when I saw kevin gates story Today."
Another fan posted a meme of a man punching his laptop computer screen and destroying it altogether to represent his frustration over Gates' IG Story.
Another person posted a meme of DJ Khaled shedding a tear while listening to his Justin Timberlake-assisted song "Just Be." The fan warned in his tweet, "Don't watch Kevin gates insta story don't do it."
It's clear that Kevin Gates has no filter when it comes to posting content on his IG account. You've been warned.