Where Fans Go To See Buffalo Bills Plane Land at Buffalo Airport?
Here is where to go to see the Buffalo Bills when they land at the Buffalo Airport.
Do you ever wonder where fans have to go to see the Bills land after an away game? When are the Buffalo Bills going to land? It is all public information, so you can find out pretty easily when and how the Buffalo Bills, or anyone really is going to land at the airport.
You know when you have to track someone to go pick them up at the airport to make sure it still on time--it's the exact same thing, you just have to use the LIVE TRACKER website, that is public information.
The best spot to go watch planes coming in to Prior Aviation is at 285 Cayuga Rd Buffalo, NY. There is a little area that is fenced in that fans go to. That is the best spot to go--right by the Post Office, even though the actual address for Prior at the Buffalo Airport is 50 N Airport Dr. Buffalo, NY. The Buffalo Bills flight number is typically Delta 8859.
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Gallery Credit: Kadie Daye, Canva Image, Getty Image