Cast of Hamilton Release a Voting PSA
In typical Hamilton fashion, the #HamFam release a PSA to encourage everyone to vote on November 3rd.

In recognition of National Voter Registration Day, the crew from the hit Broadway musical Hamilton produced an amazing PSA.
I could just go on and on about how amazing this musical about Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, and the Sons of Liberty is, and how I can't wait for it to go back on tour again (and to make another stop in Buffalo), but instead, I'll just let you check it out for yourself.
History Has Its Eyes On You
-Lin Manuel Miranda
I am such a huge fan of Hamilton, so couldn't help but try to sing along to the entire PSA and I know you tried as well.
As fun as this PSA is to watch and listen to, it's important that we don't lose sight of the overall takeaway, voting is important. It's essential for our country to survive.
Be Seen, Be Heard, Vote November 3rd
Please make sure you cast your vote on November 3rd.
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