250 Year Old Warship Lies On The Bottom Of Lake George
There is a fleet of shipwrecks littering the bottom of Lake George. Some experts believe there are more than 200 wrecks beneath the waves. Everything from speedboats, sailboats, steamships and even warships from the 1700s have sunk to the bottom of Lake George.
The oldest intact warship in North America lies in about 107 feet of water about a mile and a half north of Million Dollar Beach you'll see a big white mooring buoy. Below the buoy is the 1758 shipwreck of the British Radeau.

The Radeau is a British warship that was used to protect Fort James Henry during the French and Indian War. After Fort William Henry was defeated by the French and their Indian allies, the British sunk several ships in Lake George to protect them to raise them in the summer to attack the French. Unfortunatly, this Radeau slipped into deep water and couldn't be raised. I lay hidden on the bottom until it was discovered in the 1960s and then researched in the 1990s.
It's now part of an underwater preserve and can be visited by experienced underwater divers.
America's Oldest Intact Warship Lies At The Bottom Of Lake George
Abandoned Frontier Town in Schroon Lake, New York
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