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If you have seem an increase in your paycheck because of the Tax Reform, Yasmin Young, host of the 2 to 6 Takeover (2-6PM, M-F), talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank, about how you can make that money work for you (rather than just blowing it)...
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If you have trouble saving money, Yasmin Young, host of the 2 to 6 Takeover (2-6PM, M-F), talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank, about an out-of-the-box way to save money!
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Tired of going broke when you go grocery shopping? Yasmin Young, host of the 2 to 6 Takeover (2-6PM, M-F), talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank, about tips to save money grocery shopping.
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If you don't have a bank account, Yasmin Young, host of the 2 to 6 Takeover (2-6PM, M-F), talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank, about using KeyBank Plus Check Cashing to save on fees.
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New year, new you, right?? Well, if one thing you are working on in 2018 is getting your finances right, Yasmin Young, host of the 2 to 6 Takeover (2-6PM, M-F), talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank, about tips for creating and sticking to a budget...
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It might sound like a strange question, but if you got a pet as a gift this holiday season, you'll definitely want to consider pet insurance! Yasmin Young, host of the 2 to 6 Takeover (2-6PM, M-F), talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank, explain...
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If you received electronic gifts this holiday season, we have tips to help you get the most out them! Yasmin Young, host of the 2 to 6 Takeover (2-6PM, M-F), talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank give you some tips to protect your electronic gifts (so you can save money by not having to replace them quickly)...
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This is the season of giving, so if you are making charitable donations during the holidays, get some tips for doing it right!! Yasmin Young, host of the 2 to 6 Takeover (2-6PM, M-F), talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank give you some tips...
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If you are traveling to see family or just get away this holiday season, we have some tips to help you save some money!! Yasmin Young, host of the 2 to 6 Takeover (2-6PM, M-F), talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank give you some tips!!
[Money Minute]
If you are doing any of your holiday shopping online, we have some tips to help you protect yourself from fraud! Yasmin Young, host of the 2 to 6 Takeover (2-6PM, M-F), talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank give you some tips!!
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Looking for an out-of-the-box Christmas gift or a way to grow your money? Yasmin Young, host of the 2 to 6 Takeover (2-6PM, M-F), talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank about investing in CDs or Certificates of Deposit!
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Learn how to use the Snowball method to pay off debt! Yasmin Young, host of the 2 to 6 Takeover (2-6PM, M-F), talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank is here to help!

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