Winter is on it's way , and if you are superstitious about Buffalo winters, then you know not to be fooled by this nice weather we are getting, this is just the calm before the storm. Since we know the inevitable, why not prepare for it in style? I've put together some new hot boots to get you through the winter without compromising your flyness.
After a three year hiatus, the lovely and talented Jill Scott is back with her fourth studio album "lights of the sun" hitting stores in June. This is the first single Featuring fellow Phillynite Eve.
After an uprising in the fight for freedom in Middle Eastern Countries, its a shame that we still have people, religous people still doing unreligous things.
fgb After a "not so known" death of a another young African American male, by the hands of same people who are employed to protect us from such harm, and also the beating of my brother, I have been stuck with the paranoia of thinking that every cop is dangerous and shouldnt be trusted...
Getty imagesAlmost 3 years after a family despute that turned violent, between The Game and his cousin, Robet "kirky" Kirkwood at all places, a Funeral of Kirkwood's sister, who died as a result of an extensive illness.