The State of Kansas feels as though children have lost respect for parents, teachers, and authority...and that parents' (and others) hands are tied in terms of doing anything about it.
Well the state has decided to recommend loosening the strings and allowing parents to...
The age old Controversial Child Discipline Debate.... should you Spank your children, Whoop your children, or put them in Time Out?
This Father's choice is obvious... WATCH THE VIDEO AND tell me what you believe in!
Back in the day spanking in school was as normal as reading a book. Of course I’m talking about the 70’s and 80’s when times were a little different from what they are now. In fact, when I was growing up if you got out of line and Ms. Barbara the next door neighbor saw you misbehaving she would get that butt and then when you got home there was another butt spanking on the way.
It's the "Age Old' debate... Should Teachers (Schools) Spank..or even be allowed to. Should YOU spank your kids? Many people say kids are "Out Of Control" these days and Corporal Punishment should be re-instituted in our schools... What do you think?