All week long we've been hearing about Rick Ross and his not so smart choice of words in Rocko’s U.O.E.N.O. song. His lyrics were interpreted to promote sexual violence against women and were not taken lightly. In the wake of protests of his controversial lyrics, Rick Ross will be balling a lot less due to Reebok dropping him from their endorsement contract...
Man...this is a crazy week for Mr. Ricky Rozay! First, his date rape lyric was dropped from Rocko's song "U.O.E.N.O." (Click here for the new remix) and now he is dropped from his million-dollar endorsement deal with Reebok.
In New York City, a women’s right group called ‘UltraViolet’ is protesting in front of the Manhattan Flagship Reebok Store pressuring them to drop Rick Ross as their spokes person.
UltraViolet as well as other rape survivor groups are saying that Reebok is promoting rape because they didn’t drop Rick Ross yet...