I told you before about an amazing young lady named JJ from Buffalo, N.Y. . She created the Photo Patch app to help children send photos and letters to incarcerated parents via their own cell phone.
JJ along with some of her cousins made their musical debut in a new video called "Photo Patch"...
Back in the day there was the RAZOR BLADE in Halloween Candy scare...well now there's a new trend of concerns ... MARIJUANA LACED HALLOWEEN CANDY!!!!
Is it a real concern or just a ploy to get people to VOTE AGAINST the Legalization of Marijuana as we approach The Elections...
Mayor Byron Brown is trying to do his best to remedy the attendance situation in Buffalo Public Schools by devising a reward system which, according to news reports, would reward students with free tablets and parents of students with good attendance records a $100 gift card...
Carl Paladino...You've got to be kidding me!!!! You believe that Parents should face JAIL-TIME or FINES regarding their children s' excessive truancy??????? WHAT??????
I read about this foolish (in my opinion) proposal by long time Local instigator of controversy, Buffalo City School School Board Member Carl Paladino, and couldn't believe that an adult would come up with this "SOLUTION"
Is the problem with low productivity in the Buffalo Public School System the Teachers? Is it the Students? OR is it THE PARENTS?
Well based on my writing "THE PARENTS", using all Upper-Case Lettering may clue in as to what my opinion is...
Seventy-two-year-old Verda Byrd grew up thinking she was a black woman, but she recently discovered a huge secret. In 2013, she learned she was born "white". Apparently Byrd was adopted in the 1940s by two black parents, who never told her her birth parents were white.
Parents are demanding Justice for Kendrick Johnson, the 17yr old Georgia boy who was found dead in a rolled up gym mat at his High School. The death was ruled a accident, but all the evidence points to foul play, including his Missing Organs! Details Inside.
At some point, every parent will have to confront the issue of sex with their child, and today, with the enormous rate of teenage pregnancy, it seems that the earlier, the better.