Alcohol Sales Banned In These Towns In New York StateAlcohol Sales Banned In These Towns In New York StateBuying and selling alcohol is illegal in some areas of New York State. Here's where. Megan CarterMegan Carter
New York’s New “20 Hour Rule” Is Now In EffectNew York’s New “20 Hour Rule” Is Now In EffectToday is the start of the New Year and with that comes plenty of new changes to laws across New York State. Dave FieldsDave Fields
What Is The “Seinfeld Law” In New York State?What Is The “Seinfeld Law” In New York State?A new law that recently went into effect will help residents avoid obnoxious calls from telemarketers. Megan CarterMegan Carter
These Will Soon Be Banned In New York StateThese Will Soon Be Banned In New York StateIf you travel a lot and frequently stay in New York hotels, here’s what you need to know about what to take with you. Megan CarterMegan Carter
These Terms Are Now Banned In New York State LawThese Terms Are Now Banned In New York State LawIt looks like a couple of outdated phrases have finally been replaced, thanks to new NYS legislation.Megan CarterMegan Carter
Soon, This Won’t Be Illegal In New York StateSoon, This Won’t Be Illegal In New York StateNew York State is about to have new rules regarding growing marijuana at home. Megan CarterMegan Carter
New York State Has This Christmas Light LawNew York State Has This Christmas Light LawThere is a specific law in New York State regarding Holiday lights and wiring. Clay ModenClay Moden
It’s Illegal To Eat Groceries Before Paying In New York State?It’s Illegal To Eat Groceries Before Paying In New York State?Before you snack while you shop, here’s what you need to know. Megan CarterMegan Carter
You Shouldn’t Drink Beer On Monday In New York StateYou Shouldn’t Drink Beer On Monday In New York StateYou may plan on opening a cold one at some point on Monday to taste the #VictoryMonday, but you probably shouldn't.Kadie DayeKadie Daye
Decoding New York State’s Fireworks LawDecoding New York State’s Fireworks LawMost fireworks are illegal in the state of New York, but there are some exceptions.Traci TaylorTraci Taylor