
Happy Birthday USMC
Happy Birthday USMC
Happy Birthday USMC
There’s word that the United States Marine Corps (USMC) is celebrating its 236th birthday. I know there are a lot of past and present Marines who are and remain proud on this special day.  The country owes a debt of gratitude to the men and women who made the commitment to keep our country safe.
Gay Airman, Comes Out Of The Closet To Mom [VIDEO]
Gay Airman, Comes Out Of The Closet To Mom [VIDEO]
Gay Airman, Comes Out Of The Closet To Mom [VIDEO]
Just hours after the dont ask dont tell policy was repealed from the military, active Air Force soldier Randy Phillips, decided to come out to his Mom. Instead of just calling her and discussing the matter in private, he decides to video tape the conversation and post it on YouTube...