Big Lots and Party were the two latest popular big stores that are shuttering their stores across the United States. Now, Macy's is the next to lose a ton of stores and FAST.
In New York State, they are shutting down a ton of stores.
One of the most famous retailers in the country and here in New York State is not only laying off a large portion of it's employees, it is also closing as many as five stores.
Remember in 1999/2000 everyone who was anyone was wearing the baby blue Rocawear velour jogging suits and jerseys? In 2014 fashion has evolved tremendously and so has Rocawear clothing! Their new line is surprisingly Fabolous!! Peep the release video here...
According to a lawsuit filed against the chain, Macy’s security team looks to make five arrests per week and has a race code system for non-white shoppers, reports the New York Daily News.