Back for it's 34th year, and kicking off the unofficial start of summer in the Hudson Valley, the Italian Festival will run at the East Fishkill Rec 5/25-5/28.
Despite the Italian Festival being Shut Down on Saturday, I went and had a Great Time with Great Food on Friday. Here's at least some of "MY ITALIAN FESTIVAL EXPERIENCE." (Most of the time "off camera" I was stuffing my face! Mmmmmmm.....)
The Italian Festival was 'Shut Down' Saturday Evening at around 9:30 for 'UNRULY BEHAVIOR'. However, the Italian Festival Re-Opens today. I'm not sure WHY the Festival was 'SHUT DOWN', but this video may give us some clues.
Here's An UPDATED News Report:
Here's a YouTube with a Race Related Overtone:
According to the the Buffalo News this morning, a Lockport man (Gregory Owen) is suing The City of Buffalo. The newspaper report states that the man was prohibited from handing out "Religious Leaflets" ...more widely know as" tracts". The video below captures the entire confrontation. Watch the video and You Be The Judge. Will the man win his lawsuit against The City of Buf
I'm not the least bit Italian, however, I love Italian things- Mob movies such as Goodfellas and The Godfather , and Italian food. This weekend is the Sorrento Cheese Buffalo Italian Heritage Festival; I love to eat, so I'm grateful to live in a city that is big on food festivals.