Our world is getting stricter in efforts to try and control the crime and injustice that is slowly covering our cities. One of the towns placing strict regulations is Harlem, New York, who has unveiled a rule that prohibits the wearing of hoodies and masks when entering an establishment. A violation of that above “law” will be treating as trespassing and handled lawfully, probably in arrest.
Surely in the corporate world you have encountered several excuses people give to try and fight their way out of those boring, mundane staff meetings but one teacher did the absolute most.
Hey, it’s me, ADRI.V The Go Getta, and every day, I will be giving you “The 411” on The Only Night Show That Matters with DJ Supreme, kicking off at 8:50 p.m.
There is a picture of a man that has surfaced on the internet that was taken back in the 1930s in Harlem that has a very striking resemblance to Jay-Z.