Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Rare King Speech Released!
Rare King Speech Released!
Rare King Speech Released!
Dr, Martin Luther King is often identified by his "I HAVE A DREAM" Speech...however, Dr. King did far more REALIZING than he did DREAMING! Among the hundreds of speeches which exists, but we never hear, there is one that has just surfaced...
For some time there has been a lot of concern as to whether or not the splash pool at Martin Luther King Jr. Park would be available to residents this summer.
MLK Jr The Militant ?
MLK Jr The Militant ?
MLK Jr The Militant ?
I think that a lot of people really misunderstand Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King is often seen as a person who marched for equality for black people and was a passive person. That was part of his dream but Martin Luther King Jr died seeking equal wages for sanitation workers...

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