Some kids are less fortunate than others during the Holidays...especially those kids who face health related challenges.
WBLK Program Director, Chris Reynolds, arranged an effort along with Local AMVETS 1925 (an organization that caters to Veterans) allowing WBLK listeners to donate Cuddly Teddy Bears which would in turn would be delivered to kids at Women & Children's Hospital!
The fight for #BlackLivesMatter beings in the womb! Popular alternative news reporter Alex Jones claims that Planned Parenthood is targeting black women and even accepting donations to exterminate black babies!
I have to admit ... I'm somewhat baffled.
I just watched a video, which you'll watch in a minute, showing Creflo Dollar defending his God Give Right to "DREAM" for a $65,000,000 G650 Jet. Okay, I can live with that.... but when he starts saying "I NEVER ASKED YOU FOR ANY MONEY" (addressing his Congregation) I had to scratch my head...
You've heard of Pastors driving expensive cars and owning extravagant homes but many are saying this "takes the cake"!!! Creflo Dollar has asked his congregation to "give" for the purposes of helping fund his desire for a New Jet!!!!... and not just any Jet...
Former McDonald's Manager, Heather Levia, says she was fired for donating money to buy Fire Fighters' meals. If her allegations are true (which the Owner of the McDonalds says "are not true"), should she have been fired?