Since cuffing season is in full affect I found Your Tango's 5 Flirting Tips For Attracting Men:
Complain about something together. Find something small or insignificant that bothers both of you. This is where your sense of humor blends with making a connection and as a result can create a sense of fun-loving and flirtatious camaraderie
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The debate rages on about there not being any good men out there for women to date. But ladies, what if you are in a situation where a gentleman on your job has those qualities that you have always wanted in a man?
“How do these grown women allow lil boys to run silly games on them ?"
Tonight's scenario comes from a young lady from Niagara Falls who is concerned about her cousin dealing with a married man. Here is what she wrote.
Dear Supreme/WBLK
I hear you talking about subject on saturday night that have to do with real people going through real things so I have one that I would like you and your li