Buffalo's contribution to Black History in America runs long and deep. Here are a few events that happened in Buffalo's history that you should know about.
Buffalo's contribution to Black History in America runs long and deep. Here are a few events that happened in Buffalo's history that you should know about.
The U.S. Postal Service temporarily suspended mail delivery at 31 Marine Drive, a Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority building known as The Coastline. The problem, however, wasn't snow, rain, heat or gloom of night. It was ROACHES!
WGRZ 2 News is investigating a Bed Bug problem in BMHA's Marine Drive Apartments' Units ... BMHA is the Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority, a City of Buffalo Agency.
Residents are obviously concerned about this apparent Bed Bug problem....
Here's a confusing story, from the outside looking in ... as News Reports today are claiming the BMHA (The Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority) owes the City of Buffalo $3 Million Dollars!!! Also, according to News Reports, despite BMHA allegedly owing the City $3 Million Dollars, the organization is asking for additional monies...