It seems like reality TV has everyone trying to live the lifestyles of the rich and famous!. Well, Yasmin Young talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank, are to tell you about the signs that you are living beyond your means!!
So you got a new job, but it's not in WNY, so you have to move. Well, Yasmin Young talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank, to make you aware of some of the hidden costs of moving for a new job!!
If you ever want to buy a house, car, or have credit available for a raining day, you must maintain good credit! Yasmin Young talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank, to get tips!
Don't let these kids fool you, they have a little change in their pockets!! Yasmin Young talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank, to get tips to teach kids how to save money!
If you got a raise recently, it might be tempting to buy a new car or go on a vacation, but Yasmin Young talks with Kawanza Humphrey, VP of KeyBank, to get tips putting away that extra money for a "rainy day!"