MC Hammer Has His Own Search Engine For All Your Mc Hammer-Related Needs
In news that should go a long way toward reaffirming Middle America’s vision of Silicon Valley as a place full of silly people with too much money and not enough common sense, hip-hop legend and honorary ‘Addams Family’ member MC Hammer has started his own search engine, the oddly-named WIREDoo.
Somewhat disappointingly, Hammer’s search engine does not pack a 160-person entourage that answers your questions with exactly what you want to hear; instead, it’s built on the surprisingly sensible-sounding “Deep Search” and “Relationship Search” technology.
As Hammer explained during the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco this week (seriously), WIREDoo goes “beyond the keywords” to deliver expanded search results. In their coverage of the event, InformationWeek described the technology by saying, “For example, a search of the word ‘car’ might also come with the relationships to insurance, cost, specs, mileage, and who the driver will be.”
As eminently mockable as Hammer’s been over the last 20 years or so, it bears mentioning that he’s established a history of working with Silicon Valley startups, and built a team that understands the value of blending forward-thinking business acumen with the sort of promotional genius that generates stories like this one. No matter how many “2 legit” jokes you make, we’re still talking about MC Hammer’s search engine, and U can’t touch that kind of publicity.
That said, he’s not exactly the most fiscally responsible person in the world. Ever seen his ‘Behind the Music’ episode? The guy basically swam in a pool of money between the years of 1990-1992. Every year thereafter? Not so much.
[InformationWeek via AV Club]