ADOPTED! That ‘Fowl’ Mouthed NY Parrot Has A New Home
A unique parrot was breaking the internet when an animal shelter highlighted this foul-mouthed bird. The Western New York shelter said they received over four hundred inquiries about him. Pepper is known to have some colorful language so he had to go to the right family. He has been adopted.
According to the Niagara SPCA, after going through nearly four hundred families from all over the country and many interviews, they narrowed it down to ten homes. They even heard from a man in San Antonio, Texas known as "Wild Bill" who was an ex-Navy sailor and owned a saloon. He also spoke with colorful language or you could say, like a sailor.
Pepper was adopted by a couple in Olean, New York. This is a home in Western New York so the parrot will remain in the area. They could have another African Grey parrot named Shelby. They say Shelby makes Pepper look like a saint! Pepper's parents love birds and know how to care for them.
According to the Niagara SPCA, Pepper is adjusting nicely. Although he hasn't cursed just yet, they know it will come and they are ready. He loves eating his vegetables and says hello to his adoptive parents when they enter the room.
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Gallery Credit: Brian Cody TSM Albany