Thanksgiving is only about 3 weeks away!  If you are just now starting to look for fresh turkeys from local farms, you might be too late.

Normally around this time of year, you start to hear rumbling about how the price of turkey is about to go up and how it's going to be tough to get your hands on one.  That's something that has kind of forced people to start securing their turkey from a local farm earlier.

The best part about shopping locally is that you know what you're getting.  If you are unsure, all you have to do is ask the farmer who raised them.  They are normally raised in much more humane conditions and you might find them to be much more flavorful than the ones from a store.  From a grocery store, you never know what they've pumped into them.

You have to call early though because if you plan to buy a fresh, local turkey from a farm here in Western New York, they can sell out quickly.

I asked for your suggestions of farms in the area that had some to offer and man did you come through!


Some farms may already be sold out, but you should still try just in case.  It's always worth it to shop locally.  At the very least, save this list for next year and start shopping early.  You might even call them to see if they're taking orders for 2025.

Here are some of the top farms to check with when you're looking for fresh/local turkeys here in Western New York.

11 Western New York Farms For Thanksgiving Turkeys

Gallery Credit: Brett Alan


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