PICTURES: Russell Salvatore’s Memorial Park Was Severely Vandalized
This is brutal.
People are absolutely ridiculous. Sometime between Wednesday night and Thursday morning, someone vandalized and severely damaged some of the memorials that are outside at Russell Salvatore's Patriots and Heroes Park. The Patriots and Heroes Park is located between Russell's Steaks, Chops & more, and Transit Road.
The 'Tomb of the Unknown Soldier' statue suffered the most amount of damage. The pictures look bad, but unless you see them in person you don't really realize HOW bad is actually was. The people who did the damage broke off one of the guns of the other memorials to break a hole in the side of the monument, and all of the landscaping lights were kicked and broken off, among so much other damage.
I think anyone that sees this will get angry or disappointed by the damage. There is no one like Russell Salvatore in Western New York. Nobody loves the community more than Russ. He supports literally every organization that needs help. He is a living legend. One time Russell told me he doesn't want a single penny when he dies and he wants to give it all away.
There is no word yet on a timeline when it will be fixed