How Does Buffalo Compare To Other NFL Stadiums For Concessions Prices?
Everything is more expensive these days. It can be super expensive to go to a game, but how do the Bills compare to other franchises on things like beers and hot dogs?
Most of us have heard how the Buffalo Bills have one of the most affordable tickets in the NFL to go watch a game. We've also heard about how the price of tickets are on their way up. When the new stadium opens and PSLs go into effect many people will likely be priced out of their seats.
But where do we stand when it comes to simple concessions like beers and hot dogs?
The last game I went to, I ordered a beer and when the person behind the register told me how much it was, I thought I had to clarify that I only wanted one beer. But the price I heard was correct. The price for the one beer that I got was just about what you'd pay for an 18-pack at the grocery store.
A website called Sportscasting.com looked into the prices of beer and hot dogs at stadiums across the country. They found that on average, a hot dog and a beer will cost fans $15.02. I'm not sure where they got their beer at Highmark Stadium but their price was quite a bit less than I paid. They had the Bills with a price of $13.75 for a hot dog and a beer. They somehow found a beer for $7.75 and $6 for a hot dog. I'd love to know where they grabbed that deal. That was around the bottom third of the league when it comes to price.
It definitely wasn't the highest amount. Seattle takes that trophy with a total of $19.98 for the combo. Their beer was $11.49, and the hot dog was $8.49.
The cheapest in the NFL? Surprisingly it was in Atlanta where you can get a beer for as low as $5.49.
Click here to see where all the other clubs in the NFL stand when it comes to concessions.
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