As we get closer to another year, the days of using a gas powered leaf blower are numbered in portions of New York State.

According to reports, portions of New York State are trying to eliminate the popular equipment as soon as 2026.

A post and petition circulating on indicated that: "Town of Huntington has passed a code that states in the beginning of 2026 gas powered leaf blowers will not be permitted to be used on residential properties by commercial landscapers AND HOMEOWNERS on their own properties".

But the push to go "more green" and energy efficient is finding it's way to the landscape industry.

The Bill reads, "Prohibits the sale of gasoline powered leaf blowers and lawn mowers in the state; requires the commissioner to promulgate rules to enact such prohibition by January 1, 2025".

According to a Tweet and video from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, you will have a better experience outdoors as they are converting to all electric.

The new year, will bring new changes here in New York State including a new minimum wage.

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