Donald Deane has held a variety of jobs, including college English teacher, newspaper reporter/editor, internet project manager, dishwasher and dogcatcher. He now writes exclusively and has contributed to AOL TV and Moviefone among others.
You may not be aware, but the Easter Bunny has been around for a long time. Easily one of the most recognizable symbols of the holiday, the loveable critter was first mentioned in an essay by German physician and botanist Georg Franck von Frankenau all the way back in 1682. Funny, we always figured he was just a Hallmark creation.
Hashtags may have originated on Twitter, but the popular internet shorthand has since spread to Facebook and even everyday speech. And now, "hashtag" has been declared the 2012 word of the year by the American Dialect Society. #waytogohashtag
We're already convinced that aliens exist, so it's not like we need any further proof. But these clips of identical UFOs hovering in the sky over Brooklyn and San Francisco blew us away. All hail our alien overlords! (The videos are a bit NSFW, by the way, due to some UFO-inspired potty mouth.)
School Lunch Lady Fired for Giving Free Lunches to Needy Student
Given the time of year, you might think that helping the needy would be encouraged. But that's not what happened when 60-year-old school cafeteria worker Dianne Brame gave free lunches to a student who couldn't afford them. Instead, she was fired.