Roaches Defy Postal Promise
Roaches Defy Postal Promise
Roaches Defy Postal Promise
The U.S. Postal Service temporarily suspended mail delivery at 31 Marine Drive, a Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority building known as The Coastline. The problem, however, wasn't snow, rain, heat or gloom of night. It was ROACHES!
BMHA Bed Bug Problem
BMHA Bed Bug Problem
BMHA Bed Bug Problem
WGRZ 2 News is investigating a Bed Bug problem in BMHA's Marine Drive Apartments' Units ... BMHA is the Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority, a City of Buffalo Agency. Residents are obviously concerned about this apparent Bed Bug problem....
BMHA Owes City $3 Million?
BMHA Owes City $3 Million?
BMHA Owes City $3 Million?
Here's a confusing story, from the outside looking in ... as News Reports today are claiming the BMHA (The Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority) owes the City of Buffalo $3 Million Dollars!!!  Also, according to News Reports, despite BMHA allegedly owing the City $3 Million Dollars, the organization is asking for additional monies...