My Man!!!....Chad (Ochocinco) Johnson.... the gifted former Wide Receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals (My Favorite NFL Team..Forever) and New England Patriots..... has BLOWN IT!!!  I knew he was a bit eccentric... but didn't know he was seemingly STUPID.  I say seemingly because we don't know the "Real Story"....but supposedly Chad Head-Butted his wife, of less than a  month, Evelyn Lozada.  Now Chad has been fired by The Miami Dolphins AND has lost the contract for his Reality Tv show with his he's REALLY SCREWED!  Listen to the 911 Tape and comment about this entire incident.  Do you think the head butt is being exaggerated by Evelyn you think The Miami Dolphins should have fired him before he even started with them?  What do you think bout this whole fiasco?

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