50 Cent has been killing it on the screen and also behind the scenes. Recently he has been sharing some behind the scene photos from the upcoming season of “Power,” as he sits in the director’s chair.

In one of his recent posts, he revealed that his spinoff of the hit show would be a prequel.  (A story or movie containing events that precede those of an existing work.)

He continued, “If you thought Kanan was crazy wait till you meet the guys he came up under.”

 For those familiar with “Power,” viewers had to say goodbye to 50’s character Kanan during season 5.

And you remember, 50 Cent signed a multi-series deal with Starz worth an estimated $150 million. He will continue to develop new scripted and unscripted series for the network through his G-Unit Film & Television Inc.

 50 and G-Unit already have two new projects in active development, “Black Mafia Family,” and “Vanguard.”



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